Sweet and Herby Mushroom Avocado Toast

Avocado on toast is a classic. I love it but I do love sweet and herb-full things. This Sweet and Herby Avocado toast really satisfied my tastebuds. The sweetness of the mushrooms in a sweet sauce and herbs gave an amazing blend. The crunchy toast really topped it all off, it was gorgeous. Time toContinue reading “Sweet and Herby Mushroom Avocado Toast”

Sweet Potato and Sour Toast

I love sourdough bread, every aspect of it is amazing and flawless. I also love sweet breakfasts but with a twist. So I gave this sweet potato and sour toast a go. I made sure that this is also spicy because I love spice and sweet mixed together. Time to cook: 5 Minutes Vegan MealContinue reading “Sweet Potato and Sour Toast”